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Sahna yoritish uskunalarining kelib chiqishi va rivojlanish tarixini bilasizmi
Sahna yoritish uskunalarining kelib chiqishi va rivojlanish tarixini bilasizmi

Sahna yoritgichi jihozlarining sahna yoritilishini o'zgartirish, mohiyatan, sahna yoritgichining burilish nuqtasidir. Sahnani yoritish bo'yicha ilmiy tadqiqotlarning butun jarayonida, sahna yoritgichining o'zgarish nuqtasi haqida g'amxo'rlik qilishdan tashqari, biz ushbu bosqichning har bir hodisasining boshlanishi va oxirini birlashtirishga ko'proq e'tibor qaratishimiz kerak yorug'lik o'zgarishi nuqtasi, and the sense of rhythm promoted by stage lighting generated by this continuous change. As a detailed theatrical performance, there are all relatively independent and interrelated stage lighting changes, and the stage lighting designers pay special attention to the beginning and end of each change. Since the beginning and end of stage lighting are the important stage lighting design related to the two change phrases, they are all the key stage lighting for the opportunity of stage lighting change Design composition.

In the whole performance, the stage lighting change opportunity of the performance is the joint point connecting the stage lighting changes in the performance, the direction sign of rhythm and sense of rhythm in the stage lighting modeling art and the promotion of stage lighting. It is the stage that infiltrates the story, promotes the plot, 3D rendering feelings of stage lighting equipment, assists the performance and promotes the theme style of drama performance Light metal catalyst.

In order to trace the historical time of stage lighting development trend, we must start from the stage lighting development process.
In the ancient Greek theater period, sunlight was used to light the lamps: the public theater in the Elizabethan period was set off by the gray fog at noon in New York City, and performed in the balcony of the hotel. There is no need to think that sunlight is the only real theater lighting fixture, or that sunlight is the only real stage lighting fixture in an outdoor theater. The performance of beam lamp has just begun in the period of "three unifications". At that time, the beam lamp was used as the props of the performance game. It was used to explain the performance time.

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